Scientific Production
A selection of our publications and references sorted by topics: Seismic Cycle, Tectonics vs Surface Processes interactions, Mountain Building, Subduction Zones, Extensional Tectonics, etc. This page is updated regularly.
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Seismic cycle
Caniven, Y., & Dominguez, S., 2021. Validation of a multi-layered analog model integrating crust‐mantle visco‐elastic coupling to investigate subduction megathrust earthquake cycle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB020342. -> PDF
Caniven, Y., Dominguez, S., Soliva, R., Peyret, M., Cattin, R., 2017. Relationships between along-fault heterogeneous normal stress and fault slip patterns during the seismic cycle: Insights from a strike-slip fault laboratory model, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 480, pp.147-157. -> PDF (available soon)
Rosenau, M., Corbi, F., Dominguez, S., 2017. Analogue earthquakes and seismic cycles: experimental modelling across timescales, Solid Earth, European Geosciences Union, 8 (3), pp.597-635, -> PDF
Caniven, Y. , Dominguez, S., Soliva, R. , Cattin, R., Peyret, M., Marchandon, M., Romano, C., and Strak, V., 2015. A new multilayered visco-elasto-plastic experimental model to study strike-slip fault seismic cycle. Tectonics, 34: 232–264, -> PDF
Dominguez S., S. Mazzotti, N. Martin, Y. Caniven, R. Cattin, R. Soliva, M. Peyret, S. Lallemand, J. Malavieille, 2014. A visco-elastic model to study experimentally megathrust seismic cycle in subduction tectonic settings (POSTER), Geodynamics, and Environment in East Asia Symposium (GEEA), Hualien, Taiwan.
Tectonics vs Surface Processes
Garcia-Estève, C., Caniven, Y., Cattin, R., Dominguez, S. and R. Sylvain, 2021. Morphotectonic evolution of an alluvial fan: results of a joint analog and numerical modeling approach, Geosciences MDPI (in press). -> PDF
Strzerzynski, P., Dominguez, S., Boudiaf, A., Déverchère, J., 2021. Tectonic inversion and geomorphic evolution of the Algerian margin since Messinian times: Insights from new onshore/offshore analog modeling experiments, Tectonics, 40, e2020TC006369. -> PDF
Henriquet, M., Dominguez, S., Giovanni, B., Malavieille, J., Cadio, C., Monaco, C., 2019. Deep Origin of the Dome‐Shaped Hyblean Plateau, Southeastern Sicily: A New Tectono‐Magmatic Model. Tectonics, 38, 4488– 4515, -> PDF
Guerit, L., Goren, L., Dominguez, S., Malavieille, J., and Castelltort, S., 2018. Landscape ‘stress’ and reorganization from χ‐maps: Insights from experimental drainage networks in oblique collision setting, Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 43: 3152– 3163. -> PDF
Viaplana‐Muzas, M, Babault, J, Dominguez, S, Van Den Driessche, J, Legrand, X., 2018. Modelling of drainage dynamics influence on sediment routing system in a fold‐and‐thrust belt, Basin Res.; 31: 290– 310. -> PDF
Guerit, L., S. Dominguez, J. Malavieille, S. Castelltort, 2016. Deformation of an experimental drainage network in oblique collision, Tectonophysics, Volume 693, Part B, Pages 210-222, ISSN 0040-1951, -> PDF
Viaplana-Muzas, M., J. Babault, S. Dominguez, J. Van Den Driessche, X. Legrand, 2015. Drainage network evolution and patterns of sedimentation in an experimental wedge, Tectonophysics, Volume 664, Pages 109-124, ISSN 0040-1951, -> PDF
Graveleau, F., V. Strak, S. Dominguez, J. Malavieille, M. Chatton, I. Manighetti, C. Petit, 2015. Experimental modelling of tectonics–erosion–sedimentation interactions in compressional, extensional, and strike–slip settings, Geomorphology, Volume 244, Pages 146-168, ISSN 0169-555X, -> PDF
Graveleau F., Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., 2012. Experimental modelling of orogenic wedges: A review, Tectonophysics, 538-540: 1-66, -> PDF
Bonnet S. and S. Dominguez, 2012. La modélisation expérimentale des reliefs, Géochronique, 124, Tectonique et érosion, 38-41. -> PDF
Strak, V., Dominguez, S., Petit, C., Meyer, B., Loget, N., 2011. Interaction between normal fault slip and erosion on relief evolution: Insights from experimental modeling, Tectonophysics, 513, -> PDF
Graveleau F., J.-E. Hurtrez, S. Dominguez, J. Malavieille, 2011. A new experimental material for modelling relief dynamics and interactions between tectonics and surface processes, Tectonophysics, Volume 513, Issues 1–4, 5 December 2011, Pages 68–87,
Graveleau, F., and S. Dominguez, 2008. Analogue modelling of the interaction between tectonics, erosion, and sedimentation in foreland thrust belts: Comptes Rendus Geoscience, v. 340, p. 324-333, -> PDF
Mountain Building
Henriquet, M., Dominguez, S., Barreca, G., Malavieille, J., Monaco, C., 2020. Structural and tectono-stratigraphic review of the Sicilian orogen and new insights from analogue modeling, Earth Science Review, 208, 103257, -> PDF
Malavieille, J., Dominguez, S., Lu, C., Chen, C., & Konstantinovskaya, E., 2021 (published online 2019). Deformation partitioning in mountain belts: Insights from analogue modelling experiments and the Taiwan collisional orogen. Geological Magazine, 158(1), 84-103. doi:10.1017/S0016756819000645
Viaplana‐Muzas, M, Babault, J, Dominguez, S, Van Den Driessche, J, Legrand, X., 2018. Modelling of drainage dynamics influence on sediment routing system in a fold‐and‐thrust belt, Basin Res.; 31: 290– 310. -> PDF
Perrin C., L. Clemenzi, J. Malavieille, G. Molli, A. Taboada, and S. Dominguez, 2013. Impact of erosion and décollements on large scale faulting and folding in orogenic wedges: analogue models and case studies (POSTER), Journal of the Geological Society of London (November 2013), 170(6):893-904.
Konstantinovskaia, E., and Malavieille, J., 2011. Thrust wedges with décollement levels and syntectonic erosion: A view from analogue models. Tectonophysics, 502 (2011) 336–350,
Malavieille, J., 2010. Impact of erosion, sedimentation and structural heritage on the structure and kinematics of orogenic wedges: analog models and case studies. Geological Society of America, account GSA Today, v. 20, no. 1, -> PDF
Malavieille, J., and Konstantinovskaia, E., 2010, Impact of surface processes on the growth of orogenic wedges: insights from analog models and case studies, ISSN 0016_8521, Geotectonics, 2010, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 541–558, -> PDF
Malavieille, J., and Trullenque, G., 2009. Consequences of Continental Subduction on forearc basin and accretionary wedge deformation in SE Taiwan : insights from analogue modeling. Tectonophysics, 466 (3-4) 377–394, -> PDF (available soon)
Bonnet, C., Malavieille, J., & Mosar, J., 2008. Surface processes versus kinematics of thrust belts : impact on rates of erosion, sedimentation, and exhumation – Insights from analogue models. Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2008, t. 179, n° 3, pp. 297-314, -> PDF (available soon)
Malavieille, J., 2007. Impact of surface processes on the dynamics of orogenic wedges : insights from analogue models and case studies. Rend. Soc. Geol. It., 5 (2007), Nuova Serie, 171-172, -> PDF
Bonnet, C., J. Malavieille, and J. Mosar, 2007. Interactions between tectonics, erosion, and sedimentation during the recent evolution of the Alpine orogen : Analogue modeling insights, Tectonics, 26, TC6016, -> PDF
Konstantinovskaia, E., and Malavieille, J., 2005. Erosion and exhumation in accretionary orogens : Experimental and geological approaches. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol. 6, Number 2, 25pp, 26 February 2005, Q02006,, ISSN : 1525-2027
Calassou, S., Larroque C., Malavieille, J., 1993. Transfer zones of deformation in thrust wedges : an experimental study, Tectonophysics, 221, 325-344,
Malavieille, J., 1993. Late orogenic extension in mountain belts: Insights from the Basin and Range and the Late Paleozoic Variscan belt, Tectonics, 12, 1115-1130, -> PDF
Malavieille, J., 1984. Modélisation expérimentale des chevauchements imbriqués : application aux chaînes de montagnes. Bull. Soc. Géol. France (7), t. XXVI, n° 1, 129-138,
Malavieille J., Etchecopar, A. et Burg, J.P., 1982. Analyse de la géométrie des zones abritées : simulation et application à des exemples naturels. C.R.Acad.Sc. Paris, t. 294, 279-284.
Subduction Zone
Keith B. Lewis, Serge E. Lallemand & Lionel Carter, 2004. Collapse in a Quaternary shelf basin off East Cape, New Zealand: Evidence for passage of a subducted seamount inboard of the Ruatoria giant avalanche, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 47:3, 415-429, -> PDF
Kukowski, N., Lallemand S.E., Malavieille, J., Gutscher, M.A. and Reston, T.J., 2002. Mechanical decoupling and basal duplex formation observed in sandbox experiments with application to the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex, Marine Geology, 186, 29-42,
Gutscher, M.-A., Klaeschen, D., Flueh, E., Malavieille, J., 2001. Non-Coulomb wedges, wrong-way thrusting, and natural hazards in Cascadia, Geology, 29 (5), 379–382, PDF
Dominguez S., Malavieille J. & Lallemand S.E., 2000. Deformation of margins in response to seamount subduction – insights from sandbox experiments, Tectonics, 19, n°1, 182-196, -> PDF
Gutscher, M.A., Kukowski, N., Malavieille, J., and Lallemand, S., 1998. Material transfer in Accretionary Wedges from Analysis of a systematic series of Analog Experiments, J. Struct. Geol., Vol. 20, N°. 4, pp. 407-416, -> PDF
Gutscher, M.A., Kukowski, N., Malavieille, J., and Lallemand, S., 1998. Episodic Imbricate thrusting & underthrusting ; Analog experiments and Mechanical Analysis applied to the Alaskan Accretionary Wedge. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 10,161-10,176, -> PDF
Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E., Malavieille J. and Von Huene R., 1998. Upper plate deformation associated with seamount subduction, Tectonophysics, 293, 207-224, -> PDF
Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E., Malavieille J. & Schnürle P., 1998. Oblique subduction of the Gagua Ridge beneath the Ryukyu accretionary wedge system: Insights from marine observations and sandbox experiments, Marine Geophysical Researches, 20, 5, 383-402, -> PDF
Gutscher, M.A., Kukowski, N., Malavieille, J., and Lallemand, S., 1996. Cyclical Behavior of thrust wedges : Insights from high basal friction Sandbox Experiments, Geology, 24, 135-138, PDF
Dominguez S., Lallemand S.E., Malavieille J. and Pouclet A., 1995. Nouvelle interprétation structurale du mont sous-marin Daiichi-Kashima et essai de reconstitution géodynamique, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 320, IIa, 403-409. -> PDF
Lallemand, S., Schnürle, P., Malavieille, J., 1994. Coulomb theory applied to accretionary and non-accretionary wedges: Possible causes for tectonic erosion and/or frontal accretion. J. Geophys. Res., 99( B6), 12033– 12055, -> PDF
Extensional Tectonics
Mayolle, S., Roger, S., Dominguez, S., Wibberley, C., and Caniven, Y., 2021. Non-linear fault damage zone scaling revealed through analog modeling, Geology, 49 (8): 968–972. doi: -> PDF
Strak, V., Dominguez, S., Petit, C., Meyer, B., Loget, N., 2011. Interaction between normal fault slip and erosion on relief evolution: Insights from experimental modeling, Tectonophysics, Vol.513, Issues 1–4, 2011, Pages 1-19, ISSN 0040-1951, -> PDF
Schlagenhauf, A., I. Manighetti, J. Malavieille, and S. Dominguez, 2008. Incremental growth of normal faults : Insights from a laser-equipped analog experiment, Earth And Planetary Science Letters, v. 273, p. 299-311, -> PDF